Monday, January 27, 2014

Good- Hidden and Obvious

Redefining "Good"

Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

I (Jamie) was reminded this week by a fellow staff member what Paul means by "good" in this verse. I tend to think of pleasant circumstances or everything coming perfectly together when I think of "good". But if you continue reading to verse 29, Paul writes, " be conformed into the image of his Son". This is the true definition of "good", that which is making us more like Christ. Looking at life through these lenses changes your perspective. It changes your attitude from, "Why is this happening to me?" to "Lord, how are you using this to make me more like you?". I have found great comfort in this truth the past few days. It puts me back in the position where I can still have joy even when things do not go as I would like them to because I know it is for my "good". Praise God! 

Gabe will be 6 months on Feb. 9th, hard to believe!


We have so much to be thankful for! Not only have Matthew and I been able to look at the challenges we are facing here as tools that are refining us to better reflect the image of Christ, God has also been faithful in answering our prayers for victories in other areas. For starters, our brother, Adam, rededicated his life to Christ a few weeks ago. Even though we are miles apart, we celebrated when we heard the news and continue to rejoice that we are no longer just family on earth, but are forever joined with him in the family of God. In addition, my dad, who moved to Jarabacoa in December, got hired on to manage a local organic garden. This is right up his alley and such a cool answer to prayer! Also, within the past week, both my mom and mother-in-law finalized their plans to come visit us (one trip in March and the other in May). We really look forward to having our families here (and encourage all family and friends to visit!!). And just when you thought it could not get better.... one of our students dedicated their life to Christ yesterday in church. Wow, God you are good!

A sunny day on campus!

Even as I am typing out all of these praises, I am overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of God. Thank you all for your ongoing prayers and support! And right about now, when most of you are experiencing snow and below zero weather, is a good time to remind you that the Dominican Republic is a beautiful, warm, tropical place to visit ;)

Prayer Requests 

  • The Director/Pastor Scott Taylor and his family are moving back to the states this next week. This means I (Matthew) will be taking full responsibility as the campus pastor. 
  • Pray that God will give me a strong vision for the future of the CMC (Caribbean Mountain Church), and that I will be able to plan out sermon topics for the next several months.
  • In general God is challenging me in big ways to step up as a leader. One specific way is in discipling one of the students who recently surrendered his life to Jesus.
  • Many nights I (Matthew) get to the end of my day and feel completely exhausted. Pray that I will be able to serve my family and ministry at a sustainable pace. 
  • Ask God to empower all of the Crosswinds staff to be diligent in their devotions, and that He will continue to give them the strength and energy to pour out His love on the prodigal daughters and sons that we serve at the CMA.

With sincere love and thanks!
Matthew, Jamie, and Gabe


Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year Reflections

Looking back on 2013, Matthew and I would agree that "change" is probably the best word to describe the year as a whole. This time last year, as we were looking ahead to what we imagined the year might have in store, there is no way we could have anticipated all of the changes we experienced! Praise be to the Lord, who, 1) prepared us for what was ahead before we even knew we needed to be prepared, 2) walked with us each step of the way, giving us what we needed for each moment, 3) brought so much good out of what the world would consider a tragedy (house fire), an impossibility (Gabe being carried to full-term, despite all the risks and potential complications), and just-plain-crazy (moving to another country with a 2 month old). It is those tragedies, impossibilities, and crazy decisions that God uses to take us beyond ourselves and into greater trust and reliance on Him. Only God can do that!

So as I look ahead to 2014, I'm trying to take these reflections into consideration. I have a peace knowing that God already knows what this year holds and he will continue to be faithful to prepare us, walk with us, and bring good out of whatever trials we may face. This is especially encouraging as a lot of changes are taking place here on campus. On the mission field, just as people are called here, they are also sometimes called to go back home. The director of CMA and his family have been called back home and only have a month or so left on campus. This will directly affect Matthew, as he will be the only pastor on campus, at least for a time. Praise God for the opportunity, but also prayers for the added responsibility! 

As for me and my little sidekick, Gabe, we have enjoy quite the variety of activities! Most recently, "we" have helped put together an art room for the students. Just yesterday we had our first set aside time for the students to do art and it was very exciting to see what they produced! I have also done a few EAL (Equine-Assisted Learning) sessions with the students and our campus counselor and have had a great response from the students involved. It is very exciting for me to be able to combine passions and ministry! Gabe is certainly doing his part here on campus, bringing joy to students and staff with his smiles and laughs. He will be 5 months this week and is almost sitting up on his own, has two little teeth already, and is still just as happy as ever. 

Thank you in advance for praying for our campus and the changes happening here, for our family as we continue to adjust, and for success with new program ideas that are being implemented! And a praise- we have a renter for our house back in Indiana! 

Blessings as we enter into this new year!
Matthew, Jamie, and Gabriel