Friday, November 8, 2013

New Country, New Adventures!

This month has been a whirlwind! It has almost been a month since we arrived in the Dominican Republic, and we have packed many new experiences in that short amount of time! From meeting our new friends here at Caribbean Mountain Academy, to Matthew starting his new job, to getting settled in our home and buying our car. We have been practicing the language and are learning all kinds of things about the Dominican culture. We are also getting used to some of the differences here... such as regular power outages, "island time" and unreliable internet :).  

A few highlights- first of all, the trip down here went amazingly well and we definitely felt the many prayers being lifted up for us that day. Gabe has proved himself to be an amazing traveler- what a blessing! Not only that, but since the second night we were here, he has only been waking up once in night! Praise the Lord! Our second week here, we purchased a car, which has allowed us to do a little bit of exploring of the island. We have gone up further in the mountains to Manabou and Constanza, have gone to the north coast to Sasoua where Gabe had his first beach experience, and I (Jamie) also went on a shopping trip to Ikea in Santo Domingo, the capital, with some other female staff.
This picture was taken on the way to Constanza

In terms of ministry, Matthew has jumped right in! He will be preaching for the second time this Sunday, is leading a weekly youth group and Bible study for the students, in addition to helping out with morning devotionals. Phew- he has been busy! As for me, I have been spending time getting to know students and staff, as well as making our house a home and being a mommy. In addition, we both are officially on the "missions team" and will help out with the numerous missions groups that will visit the campus in the coming months.

To say the least, we feel abundantly blessed. We both are confident that this is where we are supposed to be. As it has been said before, "The safest place to be is in the center of God's will". Continue to pray for fruitfulness in our ministry here! And hopefully you will be hearing from us more often (via blog posts) once we get some of our internet kinks worked out!

Gabe is a natural island baby! He is 3 months old tomorrow, hard to believe!

With many thanks for sharing with us on this journey, 
Matthew and Jamie

P.S. Our mailing address is: 
Matthew or Jamie Morley 
3170 Airmans Dr. Unit 3039-CMADR 
Ft Pierce,FL 34946
*Note: We pay $2/pound for every package we receive! 


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