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Looking out into the city! |
Jamie and I (Matthew), recently returned back to the CMA from 3 weeks in the states. We were blessed with the opportunity meet with many friends and family who support us with prayer and finances. It was truly great to hear from many of you who are praying for our ministry. A pastor-friend once told me that he believes the greatest things that God will do through his life, will be done through prayer. So I thank you and am grateful for your prayers.
In this post I would like to address a few of the questions some of you asked while we were state-side. Obviously, there may be questions I do not address, so if you are left wondering feel free to email us or post your questions on our Facebook Page.
We are a therapeutic Christian boarding school for struggling teenagers located in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. Parents primarily from the United States and Canada come to a place in their relationship with their child where they no longer know how to continue. Students come to our large campus located in the DR for the purpose of family restoration.
How does the Crosswinds CMA minister to students?
We believe in a loving God who seeks to restore the whole person, therefore we seek to take a holistic approach to bringing the change which God desires. Here are just a few of the ways we minister.
- Experiencing God's Creation: We are located on the side of a beautiful mountain called Mogote. On top of this we are constantly taking the students hiking, swimming at different waterfalls, and once a month we try to do a bigger activity like going to the beach or hiking Pico Duarte. We believe God desires to use His creation to speak truth and beauty into our lives, so we give our students these opportunities.
- Education: While at the CMA our students spend half a day doing online classes. Each student can learn at their own pace while receiving 1-on-1 attention from the staff on duty. Christians are called to excellence in all areas, and we therefore teach the importance and value of education.
- Servanthood: We believe that following Jesus means we serve others as Jesus served us. Students learn servanthood by doing mission work in different nearby Dominican communities in which we have ongoing relationships with.
- Christian Living: We seek to center our campus around the person of Jesus Christ. We have morning/nightly devotionals, weekly church services, spiritual group, and have daily opportunities to share Christ and pray with students.
- Therapy: We have counselors who meet with our students, and also have weekly Skype sessions with the family.
What is Our Mission Statement?
"Changing hearts and bringing hope to a generation at risk." Some of the underlying scripture to this statement is:
Romans 12:2; We do not only seek to change the outward behaviors of our students, but we believe that through the grace of God, our students hearts can be transformed. Once God transforms the heart, soul, and mind a change in behavior will follow.
Jeremiah 29:11; just as God had a purpose and plan for Israel, he has a purpose and plan for each student brought to the CMA. THERE IS HOPE!
What Financial Support Do We Need?
After having lived in the DR for 9 months, we have reevaluated our budget and come to realize we are in need of about $300 more a month. Gas is very expensive, in addition to car maintenance (which is about a monthly ordeal due to the horrible roads here!), as well as ongoing baby expenses and groceries. We are also anticipating some increased expenses come January 2015, as we are expecting baby Morley #2! Jamie is about 11 weeks along and we are super excited to have two little ones 18 months apart!
If you would like to become a monthly or one-time supporter here is our tax deductible online form.

Working with "troubled teens" requires a lot of patience and wisdom. Our staff need prayers daily concerning how to best minister to these students.
Pray for Jamie's pregnancy, for her to find the right doctor's, and just that everything would go well!
Pray for our family and our marriage!
Pray that God would give me wisdom in equipping the CMA staff for ministry.
The Morley Family
The Morley Family