The sun is setting on this season of our lives... |
With less than two weeks left in this beautiful country, sentiments are starting to kick in. Starting to have "lasts"- last trip to the beach, last time seeing certain friends, last small group meeting.... the process of good byes and moving on is never easy. And for some reason, this move is the hardest one to date, at least for me (Jamie). Our experience in the DR has been rich and full. Relationships have been deep and challenging, ministry has been fulfilling and sharpening, and God has nourished our hearts with the beauty that surrounds us and all of the fun adventures we have been able to have along the way (like the one Matthew is on right now- as he is hiking Pico Duarte, the highest peak in the Caribbean, with the students!).
In honor and appreciation of what this time has meant to us, I'd like to share some pictures that represent some of the blessings we have received while living here ...
Raising kids here has been great! |
Beauty- everywhere! |
Little getaways |
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Community <3 (The girls facing the other direction are students, they have to do that for confidentiality reasons!) |
And then there are the blessings and the priceless life lessons that cannot be captured in a picture... and that at this point I'm not sure I could even do it justice to try to put them into words. To say the least, leaving the people that we have grown so close to in the past two years and this place that we have come to love is going to be very difficult. We are SO blessed that God brought us here and would never change it for the world.
Please be praying for us in this transition! Pray that we would end well here, both in ministry and in our relationships. Pray that the Lord would blow us away with his provisions for us in the move, from material needs-car, job, finances- as well as for our future community in Marion and for our little family. Gabe especially is aware of changes but does not quite have the coping skills to handle it, so his little heart needs extra prayers through all of this.
I'm not sure how many of these blog posts we will write from here on out! It is honestly weird to go back and not be a "missionary" anymore. It has been such a faith builder to walk this road with all of those who have so faithfully supported us with funds and prayers... it is such an example of what the body is supposed to be about! I hope and pray that we can continue to foster a sense of "togetherness" in seeking to build his Kingdom as a body...because after all, that's what we are!
With thankful hearts,
The Morley Family